What will the Soul Midwife do?

Companionship for the dying during their final days 

Sounds simple, doesn’t it. Yet for many, financial demands mean they must continue going to work and can’t be there to support their loved one as much as they’d like. For others, the emotional pressure of seeing their loved one approaching the end is just too much, and the strain of having to hide their distress unbearable.

Your Soul Midwife is flexible and can be there when needed, listening deeply to the dying person, bearing witness to their final wishes and honouring final requests wherever possible. 

Often it’s easier for the loved one to talk openly to their Soul Midwife rather than burden family with traumas which may have been long-buried, but now at the end require a form of absolution. Of course we’re not religious, but simply allowing old resentments etc to be aired and listened to without judgement can help someone find peace and a sense of knowing it’s OK to move on.


Planning for the end

If we’re there from early in the journey, we can assist with writing a death-plan, and see that issues facing the loved one and their families are provisioned for ahead of time, as much as possible, to help the transition go as smoothly as can be. Perhaps not every circumstance can be mitigated, but having a death-plan is reassuring for everyone involved, and having open conversations early on sets the way for a smoother procession all around.


Leaving a Legacy

Your Soul Midwife can also help facilitate innovative ways to leave a legacy. Memory-boxes, time-capsules and audio-diaries are some of the more novel ways, whilst photo-albums and scrap-books may be more familiar. Involving significant others in this process can make it more special, because key moments and keepsakes were lovingly chosen together.


Simple Therapies

Later in the journey, as the end is drawing closer, the loved one may benefit from some simple, non-intrusive therapies, such as soothing touch; or taken on a journey by the sound of my voice as I paint an aural picture with words. Some people benefit from crystals or sacred oils; and for most, music – or sound – in some form or another, provides comfort.


Holding Vigil

The art of vigilling may not be talked about much now in modern ‘western’ culture, though for many there is an automatic desire to be there as much as possible at the end. As mentioned earlier, it may not be practical for a number of reasons, so your Soul Midwife is here for this too. 



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