Facing death is personal, and no matter how much someone is loved, it’s something which can only be done alone. The process leading up to the final breath can involve many significant others, or may also be something the dying person deals with themselves, either by choice or circumstance. As a society we tend to shun talking about death, dealing with it as and when we have to, and are often ill-prepared for the consequences.
Soul Midwives work with dying people and their families at all stages from diagnosis to death, providing much-needed emotional and practical support at what can be the most difficult time many families face.
Although death is personal, with no ‘rights-and-wrongs’ of how to handle it, there are certain stages which tend to be universal, and Soul Midwives are experienced and trained to help the dying and their families navigate each stage. Using simple and often ancient techniques, helping mitigate fears and worries to reach a sense of calm and peace, facilitating a transition rooted in love rather than fear or pain.
Of course the dying person will still be gone and the family will still feel grief; this is the natural way of things and it would be unwise to try and change this. Instead, your Soul Midwife knows how to help all those involved find the place inside themselves where handling the inevitable is OK and needn’t be faced with dread.
Every person has different requirements in terms of time spent, so there isn't a 'one-size-fits-all' package for my services. See payments page for more info on how this is worked out.